Half-Day Planning $3,500

What’s included:

A half-day facilitated strategic planning workshop. We will complete, or update, your POLARIS. You will leave the workshop with a clear, immediate action plan for the next quarter, while making advances towards your long-term goals. You will leave motivated and energized having a clear vision for the future. We recommend a full-day, and offer this as a flexible option with your time and budget in mind.


  • 4-hour workshop

  • Completed POLARIS strategic business plan

  • POLARIS visual deck to present to your stakeholders

  • DISC assessment

Download your Free POLARIS Template


Define your True North with POLARIS.
Use this template to build a strong foundation and take the guesswork out of decision-making. We are providing a free template to help you get clarity and align your team.


Full-Day Planning


Conscious Constellations